Do you know which is the Paseo de las Acacias in Barcelona?

Do you know which is the Paseo de las Acacias in Barcelona?

It is the best place to walk on a yellow carpet framed on both sides by beautiful trees and bushes. This is the best description of Barcelona’s Acacias Promenade in Nova Esquerra de l’Eixample.

It is a long route very suitable for a pleasant urban walk, especially at this time of the year when the vegetation and its spring colors announce the arrival of summer.

The promenade is distinguished by the confluence of different styles of urbanism brought from different cities around the world. The main axis of this style of places revolves around the ornamental element, where there is lush vegetation on the sides of a long street.

The beautiful yellow acacias are in charge of the view of the promenade that bears their name in Barcelona. It is said that the ancients catalogued them as marvelous, due to their extensive healing properties and that, according to them, they were very effective in warding off bad luck.

The magic of the Acacias

The advantage of these majestic trees with their beautiful flowers is that they resist drought without any problem. Hence, during the spring they are completely covered with flowers.

These trees grow fast and their leaves are evergreen, so they keep for much longer.

When the flowering season ends, you will see the ground as a carpet of yellow petals, which is a beautiful spectacle that you can appreciate in the Paseo de las Acacias in Barcelona.

This genus of plants is already typical to find in different cities. It has even spread to tropical and subtropical regions around the globe. By far, the greatest diversity of species is found in Australia and Africa.

Acacias are present in many temperate zones of the world, most of them for ornamental purposes since they grow fast and have easy regrowth.

Paseo de las Acacias and its ecosystem

In addition to the Acacia trees with their blossoms, the walk also features wild plums, flowers, butterflies and dragonflies.

It is a beautiful garden in the middle of an extensive and dense area that is part of the lungs of the city.

The walk is spectacular because you walk through the vegetation and with colorful trees like the Acacias that in this season of the year adorn the ground with a colorful yellow carpet.

Tourists and locals alike are enchanted from the beginning of spring and throughout the summer by the majestic natural spectacle of the Acacias trees and flowers in Barcelona.

Not only will you be able to walk on this beautiful path, but also sit down to rest, chat or simply let your eyes marvel at this beautiful scenery unique in its kind. You can’t help but live it, maybe again.