Emergency center in Santa Coloma de Gramenet affected by cockroach infestation

Emergency center in Santa Coloma de Gramenet affected by cockroach infestation

A plague of cockroaches is affecting the Primary Care Emergency Center (CUAP) of Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

This problem has been going on for more than a year and a half and is of concern to workers and patients.

The situation has been reported in several media outlets and has generated a great stir in the city.

Workers at the center have reportedly killed as many as 80 cockroaches in a single morning, a figure that is evidence of the seriousness of the situation.

The Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council immediately contacted the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) to eliminate the cockroaches.

Cockroach infestation since last year

The Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya has reported that last year there was a similar infestation at the center that was brought under control.

However, the insects have reappeared and are now in the process of eradication.

According to Department sources, the plague has been concentrated in the Diagnostic Imaging Service area, where various measures have been implemented and have worked.

Among the measures taken by the ICS for eradication are the installation of sticky traps in different areas.

The false ceiling has also been partially removed, the wood has been sealed and improvements have been made to the sanitation system.

Chemical eradication measures combined with the application of ice in different corners of the institution have also been applied.

Although there has been a significant reduction in the pest, work continues to eradicate it completely.

A pest of concern

The situation has generated great concern among the center’s workers and patients, who fear for their health.

Cockroaches can transmit diseases and their presence in a medical facility is of particular concern.

In addition, the plague directly affects the quality of services offered, as it hinders medical care and can cause delays in consultations and emergencies.

The Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council has apologized to the users of the center and announced that it is working to solve the problem.

For its part, the Health Department has assured that it is doing everything possible to eradicate the plague and ensure the safety and well-being of workers and patients.

The Health Department has clarified that so far it has not opted to fumigate the CUAP.

This is because pest control regulations state that this route should only be used if the application of other systems does not work.

The Santa Coloma City Council confirmed that a disinfection treatment is being carried out in the streets surrounding the Emergency Center. He plans to continue to do so periodically.