Barcelona’s most traditional nativity scene returns to the Museu Marés

Barcelona's most traditional nativity scene returns to the Museu Marés

As usual, the most traditional nativity scene of Barcelona returns to the city this year, to the Museu Frederic Marés.

Although this year in Sant Jaume square brings surprises with its contemporary nativity scenes looking for new ways to convey the Christmas spirit, the Museu Marés nativity scene will remain the most traditional of all time.

And this year it is framed in an environment with valleys, mountains and villages in a valley of the Catalan Pyrenees. It will have representative elements of the villages, vegetation, agriculture, livestock and all the customs of the area.

The most traditional nativity scene in Barcelona at the Marés

In the nativity scene of 2022, the classic scenes of the Nativity, the Three Wise Men’s parade, the Annunciation to the shepherds will be on display. Also other popular scenes and some from classic fairy tales.

The nativity scene is a work of art of the Asociación de Belenistas de Barcelona.

For its part, the floral decoration of the nativity scene has been a collaboration of the Casa dels Oficis del Espectáculo en vivo of Barcelona Activa. This project is distinguished by being a training space for young people in the field of entertainment and specializing in floral art decoration.

The nativity scene will be open to the public from November 26 to January 8, 2023 in the courtyard of the Frederic Marès Museum at Plaça de Sant Iu, 5.

Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm. Sundays and holidays from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays will be closed except on holidays. The Museum will be closed to the public on December 25 and January 1.

The Frederic Marès Museum

It is a collector’s museum that preserves all the collections gathered and donated by its founder, the sculptor Frederic Marès (1893-1991), which have been part of the heritage of Barcelona since 1946.

Two years later the museum was inaugurated in a part of the old Royal Palace of the Counts of Barcelona in the heart of the Gothic Quarter, of which the courtyard is still preserved.

Frederic Marès was a sculptor by vocation and a collector. In fact, during his lifetime he managed to assemble an extensive collection of Hispanic sculpture from ancient times to the 19th century. The religious polychrome carving can be highlighted.

Marès also donated part of his sculptural work, which is also exhibited in his Studio-Library. Tens of thousands of collected objects documenting the ways of life and some of the customs of the past, especially of the 19th century, are on display in the Collector’s Cabinet.

There are unusual and endearing objects, such as jewelry, photographs, lock keys, fans, watches, pipes, lockets, among other historical items, presented in an intimate atmosphere that evokes the particular universe of Frederic Marès.