4 novels set in Barcelona

4 novels set in Barcelona

Our city has been the perfect setting for the development of good plots and stories. Different novels that take place in Barcelona have been very successful and with a large number of readers.

Enjoy the reading.

4 novels set in Barcelona

1. Anecdotario de Barcelona, Comanegra, 2016.

The authors are art historian Roser Mesa and illustrator Pep Brocal, who gave the magical touch to the book with his wonderful illustrations. The text is perfectly complemented by its journalistic nuance that includes headline, subtitle, lead and body text.

It is composed of 30 narratives that tell the hidden history of Barcelona told through characters, where reality and myth are mixed. You can read Himmler looking for the Holy Grail in Montserrat or Frida Kahlo and Josep Bartolí inventing the garrote vil.

2. Barcelona: Forbidden Photos, La Fábrica Editorial, 2018.

Barcelona had a prophecy given by an oracle when it was founded. It’s something that was already in their DNA. The oracle said only: the outcome of all strife will be defeat. With this reflection begins the book published by La Fábrica Editorial in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council. Through the photos he tells the forbidden history of Barcelona, which, according to the author, is not the same as defeat?

3. Taxi by Carlos Zanón, Salamandra, 2017.

Cab tells the story of Sandino, a taciturn and distant man. He lives with the feeling of being in the same state of mind as Michael Douglas in the psychological thriller “A Day of Rage”. Just before the end of it all. The book describes the other Barcelona, not the one of tourist splendor, but the one described by Zanon: the unpopular, unfriendly and not very well known in the midst of bars and nightclubs.

4. Novel “The Night the Beatles Arrived in Barcelona”, Ed. Piel de Zapa, 2018

One of the novels set in Barcelona. In it, Alfons Cervera once again reflects his literary stamp. He seeks to remember an infamous past that never passes but is still alive at times. And he narrates it by telling the story of his grandfather who became ill with cancer and eventually died. By 2007 he asks you who you would prefer to win the U.S. election at that time. To which the grandfather replies: “Do you think that being the way I am, I don’t give a shit who is going to win?

This reflection leads the author to recall in a similar way, the Beatles concert in Barcelona on July 3, 1965 to conclude: and what does it matter if Obama or McCain wins if tomorrow you have a chemo or what does it matter that John Lennon has performed at the Monumental if there are policemen in the basement breaking human rights.