What were the best-selling books at Sant Jordi?

What were the best-selling books at Sant Jordi?
The best-selling books during the Sant Jordi celebration have generated controversy due to changes in the sales charts.

The information provided by the Cambra del Llibre, which compiles data from the bookstores of the Gremi de Llibreters de Catalunya and LibriRed, did not fully reflect the day’s sales, leaving out up to 40% of sales, according to industry sources.

This has led to criticism from publishers and authors, who consider that proclaiming a winner and then replacing him a few days later gives a negative image.

The best-selling books in Sant Jordi

As for the best-selling book in Catalan during the week of Sant Jordi, it has been reported that it was the novel “32 de març” by Xavier Bosch.

It surpassed Gemma Ruiz Palà’s Sant Jordi Prize winner, “Les nostres mares”, which came in second place.

However, the figures vary depending on the source of information, whether it is LibriRed or the consulting firm GfK, which has a broader coverage of points of sale.

According to LibriRed, the next bestsellers are “Pregària a Prosèrpina” by Albert Sánchez Piñol, and two international titles: “Demà, i demà, i demà” by Gabrielle Zevin” and “El retrat de matrimoni” by Maggie O’Farrell.

As for books in Spanish, no changes have been reported in the first place.

There have also been changes in the non-fiction category.

Although it was initially believed that the best-selling book would be “Gran enciclopèdia del Barça” by La Sotana, it is now reported that “De la sabana a Mart” by Xavier Sala i Martín occupies that place, while “Crims: pecats capitals” by Carles Porta remains in second place.

Faced with this situation, Xavier Bosch, author of the best-selling book in Catalan, declared that his main objective is to write good stories in favor of the reader, without having the intention of generating controversy.

He also expressed his admiration for Gemma Ruiz, the author relegated to second place.

The changes in the best-selling Sant Jordi books have generated a debate in the literary field and have highlighted the importance of analyzing the different sources of information to obtain a more accurate picture of sales.

A great celebration

Despite the controversies, Sant Jordi remains a significant celebration that brings together authors, readers and literature lovers in Barcelona, turning the streets into a vibrant and lively cultural scene.

This celebration remains an outstanding cultural event that promotes reading and the exchange of ideas among citizens.

What did stand out this year was the massive presence of people in the streets of the city, after an opaque Sant Jordi celebration due to the pandemic in past years.