The charm of the world’s smallest museum in Barcelona

The charm of the world's smallest museum in Barcelona

In the streets of Barcelona, among the busiest corners and the most famous sights, hides a treasure that few know about: the smallest museum in the world. This unique place, christened El Museu Més Petit del Món, is located in the charming district of Gràcia, an area brimming with surprises and charm.

Located on Carrer de la Virtut, in the heart of La Vila de Gràcia, this unique museum is housed in old water faucet boxes that lie abandoned in the neighborhood. With up to 20 doors to open, visitors can immerse themselves in scenes such as ‘The Star Collector’ or ‘Would You Like to Live in a Cage’, each offering a unique view of the world through miniature art.

The mastermind behind these wonders is Noemí Batllori, owner of ‘L’Hospital de les Joguines’. Together with her daughter Gala, Noemí transformed these forgotten corners into true works of art, demonstrating that creativity has no limits, even in the smallest space.

The world’s smallest museum, a tribute to the imagination

Every corner of this tiny museum tells a different story: from tributes to local artists to magical depictions of farms and forests. The installation ‘Enter the Universe’, inspired by Gala’s planetary studies, is just a sample of the vast world of imagination that hides behind these small doors.

But this museum is not only to be observed; it is an interactive experience that invites everyone to participate. Noemí offers kits with instructions so that anyone can add their own work to the walls of Gràcia, turning passersby into temporary artists and contributing to the continuous evolution of this peculiar museum.

A stroll through the streets of Gràcia: an adventure in itself.

The Museu Més Petit del Món is not just four walls; it is a traveling gallery, a box of surprises, especially for the little ones. Every corner, every alley, reveals a new wonder waiting to be discovered.

What makes this museum even more special is its interactive character. Noemi invites anyone interested to contribute their own work by purchasing a kit with instructions prepared by herself.

A walk through art

This unique museum is not limited to the traditional four walls, but expands through the streets of Gràcia, turning the neighborhood into a walking gallery full of surprises. From tributes to local artists to magical depictions of everyday life, every corner of this charming museum offers a new story to tell.

In a city full of famous attractions and tourist sites, the Museu Més Petit del Món invites you to lose yourself in its tiny doors and let your imagination run wild.