Resolution proposed to regulate pepper spray and Taser in Catalonia

Resolution proposed to regulate pepper spray and Taser in Catalonia

In session of the Interior Commission, the Parliament of Catalonia approved the proposed resolution in order to achieve regulate the use of pepper spray and taser in Barcelona and throughout Catalonia. The proposal was led by PSC deputy, Òscar Aparicio.

It specifies the regulations that must be applied to know which police forces can use this type of tools and comply with the necessary protocols to know when to use them.

Statistics on the use of pepper spray and Tasers

About pepper spray

Regarding this type of pistols, the deputy explained that currently 41 of the 216 local police officers in Catalonia use them. This represents 20% of the local police.

The resolution is a sufficient initiative to regulate all police forces from the Conselleria. In addition, so that they are clear about the circumstances in which this type of weapon can be carried and under what circumstances it can be used.

At present, 41 of the 216 local police forces in Catalonia have this type of element for their use.

It has also been requested that the Conselleria play an “active role” in verifying which police and security guards carry pepper spray. All in order to incorporate the protocols.

About Taser pistols

Unlike pepper spray, tasers do have a protocol for use and are used in the work of 58 local police officers.

However, 75% of the local police that use tasers have no regulation for their use and if the resolution is achieved, there would be more and better guarantees for all.

Within the proposal, a control body for these pistols has also been requested, since without control a regulation would not make much sense.

Objects for self-defense

On the other hand and on a smaller scale, many citizens use somewhat similar items as self-defense aids and carry them in their bags or pockets.

The best known are the different types of spray, among others, but not all of them are allowed.

Sprays and objects for self-defense

  • Tear gas sprays: their use is prohibited. Its presentation is in aerosol form. They produce irritation and tearing, making it impossible for the attacker to open his eyes.
  • Pepper spray: although it is permitted in Spain, the objective is to achieve regulation. This type of spray produces effects that last up to one hour. These types of pepper sprays must be approved for use. In Spain, for example, there are 3 approved brands. The requirements to wear them are to be over 18 years of age and not have a disability.
  • Dazzling flashlights: These are pocket flashlights whose light has a dazzling effect that irritates the eyes. The strong flash of light dazzles and stuns the attacker.