Meteocat with new radars and lightning detection network

Meteocat with new radars and lightning detection network

In order to improve forecasting and warnings to the public of the occurrence of violent storms, the Meteorological Service of Catalonia will replace its four radars from the 1990s with new radars, as well as the lightning detection network over the next three years.

The objective is to refine the forecast much more and get it done earlier than what is currently done, which is 2 hours.

It is also possible to determine whether the precipitation brings snow, hail, lightning or stones. The other great advantage is that the equipment will have less interference from wifi, antennas or windmills.

Strengthening the forecasting and warning system is motivated by the effects that climate change will have on the area’s climate. It is estimated that it will cause heavier rains in specific places and, of course, it will be more difficult to forecast in advance.

New radars to face the autumn

For its part, the Meteorological Service of Catalonia recalled that the arrival of autumn brings with it an increase in the presence of floods, so it is very positive the renewal of this equipment.

In fact, localized violent storms are expected this year due to the sea water being 26.5 degrees, 2.5 degrees above the average temperature. This circumstance favors the presence of this type of storms in the region.

It should also be considered that Catalonia has 1,300 square kilometers of areas flooded by rivers (equivalent to 4% of the total territory), according to Civil Protection data.

The regions with the highest risk of suffering flash floods in autumn are all those located on the coast and in the pre-coastal area, due to the presence of ravines and rivers of low capacity. But the mountainous regions are also at risk of flooding, due to the overflowing of torrents.

The municipalities with the largest population affected by the presence of sudden violent rains are those that are part of the metropolitan area of Barcelona, the cities of Lleida, Girona and Tortosa and the deltas of the Tordera and Ebro rivers.

Recommendations to the population

Civil Protection insists on the need to follow the recommendations of the authorities and understand what are the best guidelines to take measures and act before and after storms.

Some of them are:

  • Stay away from streams and creeks.
  • Get out of the car immediately if it starts to float.
  • Do not attempt to remove the car from the parking lot in case of flooding.
  • Avoid going outside if flooding begins and immediately turn off the power at the main switch.
  • If there is hail, do not take shelter under trees.
  • Maintain clean and clear drains in patios, first floors and premises below street level.