In Catalonia: more than one hundred species in danger of extinction

In Catalonia: more than one hundred species in danger of extinction

A worrying report entitled “The State of Biodiversity in Spain”, in which the Barcelona Zoo Foundation has participated, reveals that Catalonia is home to more than 100 species of animals in serious danger of extinction.

This study, coordinated by the Spanish Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Center for the Survival of Macaronesian Species Loro Parque Fundación was published on International Biodiversity Day.

The objective is to alert to the seriousness of the situation and to promote the adoption of measures.

In Catalonia, 27 critically endangered species and 84 endangered species have been identified according to the report “The State of Biodiversity in Spain”.

The most threatened taxonomic group in the region is arthropods, with 33 endangered species, followed by sharks and rays, with 26 species, and plants, with 14 endangered species.

Among the species in critical danger of extinction in Catalonia are examples such as the Montseny newt (Calotriton arnoldi), the nacre (Pinna nobilis) and the columbine (Mustela putorius).

Other facts about endangered species

The report has also identified six hotspots of threatened biodiversity in Catalonia.

These points include the Ebro delta, the Serra del Montsant Natural Park, the Montseny Natural Park, as well as some areas of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park and the Cap de Creus Natural Park.

The study is based on the worrying diagnosis made by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) through its Red List of threatened species.

According to the results of the study, 193 species are currently in critical danger of extinction in Spain; another 418 are endangered and 498 are in a state of vulnerability.

An alarming report

This report seeks to unify existing scientific data and criteria to improve the information available on biodiversity.

It also aims to harmonize the biodiversity loss indicators of the different administrations and entities involved in the conservation of the natural environment.

The situation described in the report is alarming and highlights the need to take urgent measures to protect and preserve biodiversity in Catalonia.

The conservation of these endangered species is essential to maintain the ecological balance and ensure the sustainability of the ecosystem.

It is the responsibility of authorities, organizations and citizens to work together to implement effective conservation strategies and promote awareness of the importance of protecting our biological diversity.

The silent disappearance of local species in Catalonia is an alarm signal that should motivate concrete actions in terms of conservation and environmental protection.

The preservation of biodiversity is essential to ensure a sustainable future for both endangered species and future generations.