Enjoy April with your children: plans in Barcelona

Enjoy April with your children: plans in Barcelona

April in general, in addition to Easter, offers excellent plans for fun. Enjoy April with your children and all they can do in Barcelona.

Puppets and marionettes

They are the protagonists in the smallest theater in Barcelona: La Puntual (Allada Vermell, 15). Every weekend, puppets and marionettes perform short plays for children and families, inspired by the 19th century puppetry tradition of Barcelona.

Monster Trucks

You can see them at the Palau Sant Jordi (Passeig Olímpic, 5-7). The Hot Wheels Monster Trucks are a whole show of adrenaline, excitement, stunts and jumps of these giant wheeled cars. It’s an incredible plan for the kids.

Cirque du Soleil

Acrobatics with art and poetry of Mexican culture is the show “Luzia” presented by Cirque du Soleil on its return to Barcelona. An explosion of color, acrobatics, costumes and water. The circus will be until May 1 at the Gran Carpa (Trav. Industrial, 50, Hospitalet de Llobregat).

Enjoy April with your kids: Monumental Club

At Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 749, you can participate in this festival of music, culture and gastronomy that fills the bullring. From 12 noon to 5 pm, activities for children. Then, until 10 pm, concerts for a more adult audience. Check the schedule.

Issue number 17 of Món Llibre

This children’s literature festival in Barcelona will bring the little ones closer to literature with a variety of activities at the Nou Barris Library (Plaça Major de Nou Barris), the CCCB (Montalegre, 5) and the Poblenou Library (Joncar, 35).