Catalan oral treatment to mitigate Covid symptoms in research phase

Catalan oral treatment to mitigate Covid symptoms in research phase

The constant search for effective solutions against COVID-19 has led to a collaborative clinical trial between Catalonia and Galicia, which could mark a milestone in the treatment of mild symptoms of the disease.

This study suggests the efficacy of an oral drug, E-52862, in the rapid reduction of symptoms, offering the possibility of being administered on an outpatient basis in primary care centers.

With the participation of renowned institutions such as the Hospital del Mar, the Laboratory of Neuropharmacology of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences of the UPF, among other renowned hospital and scientific institutions, this clinical trial has revealed promising results.

The drug in question, E-52862, initially designed to treat neuropathic pain, has been shown to act on a receptor located inside the cell.

This receptor, crucial in the replication of the virus causing COVID-19, suggests a new therapeutic approach that could make a difference in the evolution of the disease.

Details of the clinical trial to mitigate Covid symptoms

The trial involved 120 volunteers diagnosed with mild stage COVID-19. Half of them received the drug E-52862, while the rest were given a placebo.

The administration of the treatment was carried out at the home of the participants, who took the drug daily for fourteen days.

The recruitment time window spanned from February 2021 to July 2022, involving several primary care centers in Catalonia and Galicia.

The results, published in the Journal of Infection, indicate that, despite not demonstrating a significant decrease in viral load compared to the placebo group, a more rapid reduction in common symptoms was observed in those receiving E-52862.

Rapid symptom reduction

Symptoms such as headache, cough and sore throat showed a more pronounced reduction in participants treated with compound E-52862.

Although the decrease in viral load was not significant, the rapid improvement in symptoms suggests a positive impact on patients’ quality of life during the mild phase of the disease.

Dr. Jordi Monfort, lead author of the study and head of the Rheumatology Department at Hospital del Mar, positively highlighted the ease of handling and administration of the drug.

This aspect is particularly relevant, as it could facilitate its implementation in the primary care health network, offering a more accessible option for patients.

This finding not only represents a step forward in the treatment of COVID-19, but also highlights a new mechanism of action that could be extended to other viral infections. The versatility of this drug could mark a before and after.