Alarming increase in bedbug infestations in Barcelona

Barcelona residents are seeing bedbug infestations increasing at an alarming rate. Although the dreaded plague of bedbugs, which originated in cities such as London and Paris, has not yet arrived, the population of these hematophagous insects has increased by 84% in the last year and the situation seems to be out of control.

Experts have observed a significant increase in these insects that feed on the blood of humans. This increase has been particularly noticeable in private environments, where these pests have multiplied to an astonishing extent.

Carlos Pradera, pest expert of the company Anticimex, has pointed out that, although the growth of these infestations has been 84% throughout Catalonia, 90% of the disinfestations carried out this year have been concentrated in Barcelona and its Metropolitan Area.

The increase in the population of hematophagous bedbugs in Spain has occurred since the 1940s, mainly due to tourism, which demonstrates the phenomenon of “hyperglobalization”.

In the past, insecticides such as DDT and organochlorines were used to control their spread. However, with the banning of these chemicals, the situation changed. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has also left its mark on this upward trend.

Once the mobility restrictions were lifted, bedbug infestations began to increase again, especially in hotel establishments such as hotels, motels and hostels.

Bedbug infestations in Barcelona

According to local authorities, the Barcelona City Council has not received any reports on the proliferation of bedbugs in public places. The Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB) has confirmed that its competence is limited to public roads, sewage systems and municipal facilities, and that the bedbug problem is mainly found in privately owned indoor spaces.

Bedbugs, also known as hematophagous bedbugs, have always been present in large cities. They hide in dark places, such as beds, furniture and crevices and seek to be close to people.

Their bites can cause allergic reactions and are difficult to trace due to the time that elapses between the bite and the manifestation of symptoms.

Bedbugs go through a life cycle parasitizing humans and lay up to 300 eggs in their lifetime. In addition to the risk of infestation of clothing and suitcases, these pests can also cause great psychological damage, since the presence of bedbugs in the home generates repulsion and worry.


To prevent the spread of bedbugs, it is recommended to take precautionary measures, such as isolating soiled clothing after traveling and washing it immediately upon returning home. It is also important to carry out periodic inspections of rooms in the home to detect possible infestations.