Now your children can find out what it’s like to be a cosmonaut in space.

Now your children can find out what it's like to be a cosmonaut in space.

Yes as you read, feel what it’s like to be a cosmonaut in space, but on Earth. You can live this experience at the Museum of Science and Technology of Terrasa, mNACTEC. All thanks to a full-scale replica of the Mir space station.

Recently the museum opened the exhibition of the history of the Mir station with its scale model, which in fact was used for the filming of the movie Sergey & Sergey. The temporary exhibition, but without an end date, includes a visit to two of the station’s modules: the base module where the cosmonauts lived and the biological laboratory module.

Thanks to this prototype you will be able to experience with your children how the crew worked and lived in this Soviet station that operated for 15 years. It was launched in 1986 and destroyed in 2001 after several accidents.

Several portholes, or circular windows installed on spacecraft, will allow you to view images of the Earth. You will also get a very realistic idea of what it was like to orbit at 27,000 kilometers per hour around the planet and 380 kilometers away.

What is it like to be a cosmonaut in space?

This scenario is the perfect place to learn how cosmonauts shower even though there is no liquid water in space. You will also learn to understand how they eat while their food floats. These and other questions can be answered or other topics can be discovered when you visit the mNACTEC.

The exhibition also offers interactive audiovisual material for children explaining what life in space is like and another for adults in 3D. This material has been provided by the European Space Agency, ESA, for educational purposes.

In addition to living the experience, the exhibition includes the exhibition of 12 science fiction films that over time have contributed to create the concept and vision of life in space. Those chosen have been pioneers in this genre, such as Georges Méliès’ Journey to the Moon; 2001: A Space Odyssey or Gravity and Star Wars or Star Trek, for their contribution to the collective imagination.

Organizers of the mNACTEC affirm that science fiction is given credit, because thanks to these films it has been possible for people to become interested in space topics and to encourage the vocation in some of them to delve into related professional disciplines.

The exhibition
“A Glimpse into Space
really lets you experience what it’s like to be a cosmonaut in space and in the process allows you to reflect on the contributions of space life to everyday life on Earth. You can’t miss it.

Address: Museo de la Ciencia y La Técnica de Terrassa, Rambla d’Ègara, 270, 08221 Terrassa, Barcelona.