Live Drawing in Life Drawing

Live Drawing in Life Drawing

The express drawing nights are already in Barcelona. These are the live drawing night classes at Life Drawing, where you will be able to lose your fear and start capturing a model’s pose forever.

These particular class nights were inspired by the groups that are formed in England to receive art classes but in a less formal and more everyday way. However, in Spain this is a more professional and solemn activity where people draw to perfect techniques and not just to pass the time.

Under this teaching philosophy, Life Drawing offers classes for beginners, as well as for those who already have training or principles of some technique. Also for those who wish to reach the highest standards and perfect their talent.

For beginners there are several techniques. One of them is to draw without lifting the pencil from the paper, another is to do it without looking at what you are drawing and a third is to draw with the left hand (if you are right-handed) or vice versa. In these cases and to start with, it is very useful to draw the part of the body that you think is easier.

Veterans and experts seek to complement their theoretical and academic studies with practice and make more interpretive drawings.

Classes at Life Drawing

The evening courses offered by the school are offered in two formats. The first one allows you to draw two different poses in 55 minutes each, so that you can deepen and perfect your technique and style.

In the second one you will draw short poses that will immortalize the model, ranging from 1, 3, 5 and 10 minutes that although they are very dynamic, you need to master the technique to obtain good results.

The price per class is always the same. Each session costs 10 €.

The atmosphere in the classroom is characterized by a sepulchral silence accompanied by a rigid body. It is the first thing that will welcome you. They are groups of ten people who do not stop staring at the model while they draw it in detail.

After a few minutes, the draftsmen save their work, while the model changes position so that they can draw it again. Each time the change of posture becomes faster and faster.

Life Drawing participants are usually young people looking to refine their technique by participating in these evening sessions. The classes also have a youthful tinge as the posing models do yoga, cosplay, bondage and shibari, something that makes them go beyond a classic model.

The biggest novelty offered by Life Drawing are the drawing stripteases. The model is a stripper, stripping little by little while he is being drawn. This has been a big hit at bachelorette parties.

Address: Bou de Sant Pere, 8, 08003, Barcelona.