Discovering Catalan cuisine

The love story between Barcelona and cuisine goes back a long way. It is born from the passion for the cuisine of the regions bathed by the Mediterranean; but also, having one of the most cosmopolitan and modern cities has turned Catalan cuisine into something very special. Despite this, having an exceptional experience in Barcelona can be complicated, and visitors often do not know how to distinguish between the most touristy restaurants and places and those that Catalans really choose when it comes to eating. Here are the keys to Catalan cuisine and some tips to make your gastronomic experience in Barcelona unique…

Catalonia has and offers all the advantages of the Mediterranean cuisine; but it also includes, due to its location, products from the interior of the country, mixing sea and meat products in its gastronomy. Some of the most typical delicacies are these:

  • Pinchos are a star dish and there are many places in the city where you can enjoy them.
  • One of the most typical delicacies in Catalonia is pa amb tomàquet, which is nothing more than bread with garlic, olive oil and tomato. Many dishes are accompanied in this way.
  • Esqueixada is another dish that must be tried. It is a salad with salted cod.
  • One of the favorite dishes of the Catalans is, without a doubt, mongetes amb botifarra (sausages with beans). You can’t leave Barcelona without trying them.
  • And for those with a sweet tooth, crema catalana.