Carnival 2024 in Barcelona: a week of colorful celebration

Carnival 2024 in Barcelona: a week of colorful celebration

Although we have barely left the Christmas festivities behind us, we are already looking forward to the next big party: Carnival 2024 in Barcelona.

This year, according to the lunar calendar, the festivity will begin on Thursday, February 8, known as Maundy Thursday, and will conclude on Ash Wednesday, February 14, the day of the traditional burial of the sardine.

Barcelona will be dressed in color and joy for a whole week, full of activities that will take place in all districts of the city. Carnival will not only be an opportunity to express creativity through colorful costumes, but also to participate in various celebrations and events.

And it all begins with the arrival of the king and the Feast of Butifarra. This parade, full of color and characters, presents the 7 ambassadors who personify the historic villas of the city. The festivity culminates with the ‘Taronjada’, a tribute to the past when throwing oranges was a tradition, forbidden in 1333.

Egg sausage, a culinary delight, steals the show on this day marked by gastronomy. Municipal markets join in with contests, tastings and decorated vendors, creating an unparalleled festive atmosphere.

Highlights of the Carnival 2024 activities in Barcelona

Larder Thursday and ‘L’Arribo’.

Carnival week will kick off with ‘L’Arribo’, the ceremony celebrating the arrival of the King of Carnival. This character, accompanied by his seven ambassadors representing the seven historical towns of the city, will perform a joyful parade. The route will begin in the Plaza Reial at 18:00 h and will end at the Palacio de la Virreina, where at 18:45 h the traditional ‘naranjada’ will take place.

Rúas and rides on Saturday, February 10

Saturday, February 10 will be the culminating moment with the awaited Carnival parade. Without being just one, several rúas will take place in different neighborhoods of the city, including Clot and Camp de l’Arpa, Sant Andreu and Eixample, among others. These rides will fill the streets with the magic and contagious energy of Carnival.

Trial and burning of the king of Carnival on Ash Wednesday

After seven days of festivities, Ash Wednesday will mark the judgment and symbolic burning of the King of Carnival in various parts of the city. Associations and entities will organize events such as popular meals and neighborhood parties to bid farewell to the King and welcome Lent.

The Burial of the Sardine

Also known as ‘El Entierro’, this symbolic act will mark the beginning of Lent and will take place after the burning of the King of Carnival. The festivities will include popular meals and neighborhood parties organized by various associations and entities.

The participation of different neighborhoods and the diversity of events make this celebration unique in the city and full of life.