Works of art hidden in the streets of the city

Works of art hidden in the streets of the city

In Barcelona there are works of art hidden all over the city. Murals with history, sculptures, precious secret and little-known works, are a compendium of incredible stories.

The city is a true artistic and cultural scene.

Get to know some hidden works of art in Barcelona

Anne Frank in Barcelona

Our city of Barcelona has a sculpture of Anne Frank, represented by a girl lying face down writing her diary. The work of the artist Sara Pons can be seen in the neighborhood of Gràcia in the Anna Frank square.

A submarine on the surface

This sculpture is a submarine that is hidden underground. The name of Josep Maria Riera Aragó’s work is “Submarino enterrado” (Buried Submarine) which is located in the Parc de les Aigües del Guinardó. Although it does not sail on the seabed, the stern, fins and turret are visible on the “surface”. As it is in a sandy area when it rains it looks like the submarine is sailing through the puddle of water.

From Barcelona to Walt Disney

As a remembrance of the movie “Bambi”, the artist Núria Tortas created this work some time after Walt Disney’s death. They are five leaping gazelles found among the vegetation of the Ciutadella park.

The deadly kiss

The “kiss of death” is the best known work of the Poblenou Cemetery. Created in 1930 by the marble artist Jaume Barb, it represents death in the form of a winged skeleton that, through a kiss, transfers the soul of a young man to the afterlife.