Wooden fences installed to prevent wild boars from gaining access to garbage

Wooden fences installed to prevent wild boars from gaining access to garbage

The Barcelona City Council has implemented a new method to address the growing problem of wild boar presence in the neighborhoods of Vallvidrera, Tibidabo and Les Planes. It involves the installation of 22 wooden fences around garbage containers, with the objective of making it difficult for these animals to access food, as reported in a recent communiqué.

This measure is in addition to the municipal strategy aimed at controlling the wild boar problem in the city, which had already included the installation of bars to block the containers.

The decision to implement these fences is based on the results obtained after a pilot test conducted in 2022, during which three wooden fences were installed.

After evaluating the results, the City Council decided to extend this measure and place 22 additional fences after Easter, with an investment of more than 111,600 euros.

Wooden fences where wild boars are most likely to come to scavenge for food.

These fences will be located at points where a higher concentration of wild boars and garbage has been detected, such as the Can Castellví road, Passeig Grèvol, Passeig Pi i Forcat, among others. The installation of these fences is intended to protect the containers and reduce the interaction between wild boars and urban waste.

This is not a new situation in the city. After the pandemic and when the animals were used to go down to the streets to look for food without any obstacle, the problem started to become more and more serious and even a public health problem.

The objective, along with other measures, is to prevent wild boars from accessing and watering food and other waste in urban areas of the city.

Other measures to improve public space

In addition to this measure, the City Council has also initiated the paving of ten streets in the same neighborhoods affected by the presence of wild boars.

This asphalt improvement aims to make the streets more accessible for public and private transport, clearly differentiating road and sidewalk space, and creating new crosswalks.

The paving works are being carried out in specific areas such as the Rectoret and Baixador sectors, with an investment of over 952,000 euros. These interventions are expected to be completed by June, including asphalting works that will significantly improve the road infrastructure in these neighborhoods.

The Barcelona City Council is taking concrete measures to address the problem of wild boar presence in the city by installing fencing around containers and improving road infrastructure in affected neighborhoods.

These actions seek to guarantee the safety of citizens and preserve the environmental balance in the city.