Basilica del Pi leads daily masses to pray for rain

Basilica del Pi leads daily masses to pray for rain

In a context of drought emergency in Catalonia, the Basilica of Santa Maria del Pi has taken the initiative to organize a series of daily masses from March 1 to 9, 2024, as well as a final procession through the streets of Ciutat Vella, with the aim of praying for rain.

The tradition of the rogativas, which dates back centuries, has as its main purpose to ask for protection for the fertility of the fields, imploring the arrival of much needed rainfall.

On this occasion, the Basilica del Pi joins this ancient religious practice, offering two daily prayer masses: one at 6:45 pm in the chapel of Sant Miquel and another at 7:00 pm in the chapel of the Puríssima Sang.

Masses and processions of the Basilica del Pi to be rained out

These prayers, which take place in times of climatic crisis, have their origins in ancient Roman celebrations in honor of the god Robigo, intended to protect crops from disease and ensure a good harvest.

With the passage of time, these celebrations were integrated into the Catholic tradition, becoming rogations addressed to saints such as St. Mark, in the hope of obtaining the rain necessary for the well-being of crops, vegetation, the inhabitants of the land and soils.

In the case of Catalonia, rogations have been practiced for centuries, with records dating as far back as the 16th century, when they were held to mitigate the effects of droughts or floods. Today, in the 21st century, the Basilica del Pi is taking up this ancient tradition in response to the drought emergency affecting the region.

Novena until March 9

The novena of rogations will culminate on Saturday, March 9, 2024 with a procession through the streets of Ciutat Vella, in which the image of the Sant Crist de la Sang will be carried.

The route will start at Cardenal Casañans street, passing through the Rambla and Hospital street, until reaching the Plaza del Pedró, where a prayer rogation will be held.

This event, with the participation of the General Council of Brotherhoods and Confraternities of the Archbishopric of Barcelona, represents an act of faith and hope in the search for solutions to face the drought.

The Basilica of Santa Maria del Pi joins in the long tradition of prayers for rain, organizing daily masses and a procession in an effort to mitigate the effects of the drought in Catalonia.

In times of climate crisis, faith and community solidarity are manifestations of solidarity and union to cry out for water to reach the region once again and to be able to successfully face the drought emergency in Catalonia.