Vegan Fest Catalunya in Barcelona: Europe’s largest vegan festival

Vegan Fest Catalunya in Barcelona: Europe's largest vegan festival

The next edition of Vegan Fest Catalunya will be held in Barcelona on September 17 and 18, 2022. This festival is the largest in Europe and will have a capacity of 30,000 people.

The festival will take place in Vallparadís Park, in Terrassa, Barcelona. The largest urban park in Catalonia with four hectares and three kilometers long, including a railroad station.

This event is a response to the great demand for this healthy food, as the vegan world is expanding.

The festival has an innovative format, as it is a large event compared to the small vegan fairs that have been held in Europe.

The Vegan Fest Catalunya in Barcelona

The space where the event will be held has the capacity to receive some 30,000 people, although it is expected that around 15,000 people will attend.

Admission is free and consumption is paid to each cook.

The festival will feature 80 to 90 market stalls and 20 to 30 food trucks, where you can sample gourmet vegan dishes or everyday cuisine.

In addition to vegan food, at the event you can also enjoy talks on lifestyle, sports, sustainability, fashion, cosmetics, as a complement to healthy eating.

There will also be concerts, showcookings and musical performances.

But if you are not vegan, you are also invited. It is open to everyone and you will have the opportunity to taste this type of healthy food that is becoming more and more popular every day.

The goal is to please your palate.