The on-demand bus in Barcelona: a true innovation for urban transport

The on-demand bus in Barcelona: a true innovation for urban transport

The on-demand bus service ‘El meu Bus’ is gaining more and more followers in Barcelona, offering a comfortable and flexible alternative for the city’s residents.

Since its launch in 2019, this proximity transport system has been gradually growing and is now set to expand further in the coming years, replacing conventional bus lines, many of which are loss-making.

Although the service has received praise for its convenience and accessibility, some users have also expressed certain areas for improvement, especially with regard to the mobile application and waiting times.

On-demand bus availability in Barcelona

‘El meu Bus’ is currently available in five areas of the city near Collserola, giving residents the opportunity to request a bus directly from their locations and be picked up in streets where no other public transport reaches. A convenient service that adapts to your individual needs.

This approach has proven especially popular with those looking for a more convenient and personalized transportation option, with drivers often becoming familiar faces to regular passengers.

Over time, ‘El meu Bus’ has attracted a wide variety of users, from people going to the doctor to parents with children going to school, creating a close-knit community of regular passengers.

However, despite the mostly positive feedback, some users have expressed concerns about the mobile application used to request the service and the waiting times.

Satisfied passengers compare the service to “a cab at home”, but point out the need for greater schedule flexibility and more buses available. Others are less satisfied, as they have experienced longer waits than expected.

A significant change for public transportation

The cornerstone of the future development of ‘El meu Bus’ is the recent implementation of a new IT platform by TMB. The current mobile application has been criticized by some users, who have reported loading time problems and difficulties in accessing the service in a timely manner.

Despite these concerns, many users praise the application’s ease of use and consider it suitable for young people.

El meu Bus’ represents a significant change in Barcelona’s urban transport by offering a flexible and adaptable service to the changing needs of the population. Unlike traditional bus lines, this service can adjust its route according to demand and avoid traffic congestion, making it an attractive option for city residents.

El meu Bus’ will play a very important role in urban transport in Barcelona.