New decree in Catalonia puts an end to temporary rental in Barcelona

New decree in Catalonia puts an end to temporary rental in Barcelona

The rental market landscape in Barcelona is about to undergo a significant change with the recent approval of a decree by the Generalitat de Catalunya. This new Decree aims to put an end to the temporary rental of properties for short periods, especially in the city of Barcelona.

Until now, the phrase “Apartment for rent in Barcelona for a maximum period of 11 months” has been omnipresent in the city’s real estate ads. However, with the new legislation, this practice is destined to disappear.

Decree in Catalonia puts an end to temporary rental in Barcelona

The decree amends several articles of the Catalan Law on the Right to Housing, establishing that temporary rentals, intended for leisure, vacation or professional events, are considered uses other than the habitual residence and therefore are not subject to the price restrictions imposed by law.

One of the keys to this new decree is the obligation to specify the cause or purpose of each lease. Failure to do so will be deemed to be a contract for permanent housing and, therefore, subject to price regulations.

In addition, advertisements will be required to specify the rental reference price, the rent of the last lease and whether the owner is a large tenant. Those who fail to comply with these standards could face significant financial penalties.

The decree also addresses the practice of chopping up housing into individual room rentals to avoid price regulations. Under the new regulations, the sum of the rents of the rooms in the same property may not exceed the maximum rent applicable if the property were rented as a complete unit.

Other objectives of the Decree

In addition to regulating temporary rentals, the decree aims to expand the public housing stock. To achieve this, it strengthens the Generalitat’s ability to acquire homes in stressed residential market areas, especially those owned by large landlords or companies, or in cases of foreclosure.

In a move aimed at addressing deceptive practices and circumventing rental market regulations in Barcelona, the Generalitat de Catalunya approved the new Decree that redefines guidelines for temporary rentals.

This measure, which will come into force once it is published in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC), seeks to close the loophole that allowed landlords to falsely label properties as temporary rentals to avoid the restrictions imposed by the housing law.

This new decree is an attempt by the Generalitat de Catalunya to address fraudulent and evasive practices in the rental market by ensuring that Barcelona residents have access to affordable, quality housing.