Shooting of “The Crown” cancelled in Barcelona

Shooting of

Following the death of Elizabeth II, from the production of the popular Netflix series “The Crown” it was announced that the filming of the sixth season is suspended in Barcelona indefinitely.

Just these days the Jardinets de Gràcia in Barcelona would be transformed in the center of Paris in a similar scenario to film the scenes of the death of Lady Di.

This area in the center of Barcelona was designed in such a way that it emulated the streets of Paris. The open-air stage even has a papier-mâché kiosk with advertising and slogans in French.

A black Mercedes on a crane, similar to the car that crashed on Alma Bridge where Lady Di lost her life, is also being prepared for filming. In fact, August 31 marked the 25th anniversary of his tragic death.

It was also learned that the actors had reportedly returned to England after the death of the 96-year-old monarch.

Peter Morgan, executive producer of the series and also screenwriter of the movie “The Queen” (2006), said that “The Crown” is a love letter to the English monarch. Only silence and respect for his departure.

In his statement released to the Hollywood trade press, the producer said he expects to stop filming for a while out of respect for the memory of the queen.

Shooting of “The Crown” cancelled in Barcelona

The popular series chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II and is based on historical facts.

t is based on historical facts.
The episodes are a dramatization of the queen’s life and the most important personal and political events that occurred during her 70-year reign.

It is worth noting that Netflix is the platform that has the rights to the series that began airing six years ago. And that hhas been so successful that it already has 21 Emmy awards.

In its new installment (the fifth season) which is scheduled for November of this year, the plot will focus on the legacy that the British monarch left in the 21st century.

The generational change in the series

The actresses who have played the queen during the series, in order to be able to represent her changes over time have been Claire Foy, Olivia Colman and Imelda Staunton.

Staunton takes on the role of the queen in the fifth season, the episodes of which have already been filmed.

In the fifth season comes a new generational change. New cast of actors, new stories and monarchical dramas, but in the end, they are the same characters that observe changes with the passage of time.

Olivia Colman leaves the role to make way for a new queen played by Imelda Staunton.

Other new additions to the cast include Elizabeth Debicki as Lady Di. Also Dominic West as Prince Charles.