Proposal to expand El Prat with a fourth runway over the sea

Proposal to expand El Prat with a fourth runway over the sea

A private initiative project was presented to the Government of the Generalitat, which aims to expand El Prat with a fourth runway over the sea.

The new runway at Barcelona airport would be located one mile from the coast, would be about 3,400 meters long and would involve an investment of 2.1 billion euros.

According to the Department of Territory, the Government has received the extension proposal, which it will study within the framework of the recent agreement reached between the Government and the PSC for the approval of the 2023 budget.

The initiative intends to build the runway with capacity for long-radius aircraft operations, supported on ten-meter-high pylons and without a satellite terminal. It would also be connected to the existing facilities by means of a platform.

Proposal to expand El Prat with a fourth runway over the sea

The project was presented by a consulting firm led by engineer Joaquim Coello and makes it clear that the expansion of the air terminal could be done without invading the La Ricarda reserve.

This reserve is included in the European Natura network.

AENA had also proposed an initial expansion project, the cost of which is 1.7 billion. This new project is 400 million more than the initial budget.

Likewise, the Department of Territory also pointed out that the Government has received other proposals from different civil sectors and entities such as Fomet and PIMEC.

The track with almost 2 kilometers inside the sea, would not damage the surrounding vegetation.

The advantage it would bring to the operation would be that long-haul aircraft could take flight over it without having to suffer the current limitations.

Another aspect to be analyzed is the impact that the project could have on the marine ecosystem.

For the time being, the Government has not endorsed the proposal, but is studying the initiative of the consultant, as well as the other proposals that have arrived.

A technical commission will be in charge of evaluating the contents of the initiatives to expand the airport.

On the other hand, most people in Barcelona agree with the expansion of the air terminal.

What do the people of Barcelona think about the work?

In a recent survey by the Gabinet d’Estudis Socials i Opinió Pública, GESOP, 52.3% of those interviewed supported the initiative and 34.5% rejected it.

As for the consistory, there is still no defined position on the matter as an institution. Some of its members believe that the airport does not need to expand.

Others agree that the expansion is vital, as it would favor the economic growth of the city and the region.

For now, the proposals are under study and technical evaluations necessary to make a decision that favors the city and the socioeconomic sectors.