Limits on consumption time in bar terraces

Limits on the time of consumption in bar terraces

The Catalan capital is the first city to limit the time of permanence for consumption in terraces of bars. It is one of the pioneer cities that determines that 30 minutes will be the time allowed to drink a soft drink or other beverage, and a full hour if it is to eat.

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Several establishments have already implemented the time regulation measure. It all depends on what is consumed at each table.

The initiative seeks to amortize the time of each customer/diner and make the most of the space in restaurants and bars. All because these businesses were the hardest hit during the pandemic and coronavirus confinement and need to recover.

Control of the number of people for consumption in bar terraces

In addition to time control, some establishments are also regulating the number of diners that can enter the site. So, if you go alone, in some cases you will not be able to enter the terrace.

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In fact, in some bars and

some bars and

will be able to access in pairs, only for minimum groups of three people or more.

Outside Barcelona, in Bilbao, the measure of consumption time control also began to be applied. For example, there are signs on the premises indicating the time allowed to stay on the terrace. For a coffee it is 15 minutes; for a beer 25 and 40 if the diner is going to have a snack.

With these measures, this summer the terraces and gastrobar businesses will be highly coveted and will not be easily accessible to everyone.

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