Interactive nativity scene and technological Christmas in Barcelona

Interactive nativity scene and technological Christmas in Barcelona

Barcelona will experience the biggest technological Christmas in its history in 2022: with a mapping-type interactive nativity scene and a New Year’s Eve party with 200 drones.

The nativity scene is located in Sant Jaume square. It is interactive and digital, with a “videomapping” with which the spectators will be able to interact via “App”.

The Barcelona City Council announced this week what will be the most anticipated shows to celebrate Christmas 2022 in the city:

The nativity scene in Sant Jaume square.

The Cap d’Any show features 200 drones, pyrotechnics and music by the French company Groupe F and the direction of Christophe Berthonneau. For this year the show returns to Avenida Maria Cristina after the pandemic.

The Cavalcade with the premiere of a new float for each Wise Man and three others for the Toys, the Star and the Instructions for Dreaming. This year the Cavalcade will change its usual route along Via Laietana as it is under construction.

The parade of the Three Kings of the Orient through the most emblematic points of the city: it will begin on January 5, 2023 at 4 pm with the arrival of Their Majesties from the Pailebot Santa Eulàlia. A thousand participants are expected to attend.

The interactive nativity scene and the technological Christmas

This year the city will have a more technological Christmas with an air of spectacularity and maximum illusion, according to Jordi Martí, deputy mayor of Culture.

Regarding the daily interactive nativity scene, it will be projected every day and from December 16, starting at 5:30 p.m. on the façade of the Town Hall.

On the façade/canvas, the Sant Jaume nativity scene will be projected through a virtual installation that will be maintained until January 5, 2023.

The screenings will begin in the evening (at 5:30 p.m.), so there will be no manger during the morning.

The nativity scene consists of an interactive “videomapping” with which citizens can play from a “webapp” that can be downloaded by simply scanning a QR code from cell phones.

It was created by the multidisciplinary studio Onionlab.

Please note that depending on the day, the nativity scene will be turned off at 10 pm or 11 pm.

Christmas lights up in Barcelona

Likewise, the show co-produced by the Liceu called “La Torre de Nadal”, will be presented in Plaza Catalunya.

There will be about 14 days of free shows, cultural activities, markets and fairs to celebrate Christmas in the different districts of Barcelona.

Another novelty is that citizens will be able to interact with the nativity scene, giving their own name to the typical characters.

The grandchildren will be able to help their grandparents so that there is no digital divide and together they can enjoy the nativity scene.