Exploring the best of Catalan literature in 2023

Exploring the best of Catalan literature in 2023

The year 2023 has been an exceptional period for Catalan literature, with the appearance of outstanding works that have left an indelible mark on the literary scene. From the mastery of Sergi Pàmies to the surprising narrative of Irene Solà and the provocative reflections of Andrea Genovart, Catalan literary gems have shone brightly.

The best of Catalan literature in 2023

  1. Two o’clock will be three o’clock, Sergi Pàmies (Cuadernos Crema)

Sergi Pàmies returns with A las dos serán las tres, a collection of short stories that immerses the reader in a reflection on childhood, memory and the passage of time. Enrique Vila-Matas praises Pàmies’ ability to intertwine the autobiographical with fiction, turning reading into an exercise in reviewing experiences that enlighten, disturb or comfort depending on the mood.

  1. I gave you my eyes and you looked at the darkness, Irene Solà (Anagrama)

Irene Solà, renowned for her unique narrative skill, presents Te di los ojos y miraste las tinieblas. In this work, the author deploys a literary superpower, generating imaginaries and omens throughout its 160 pages. The novel becomes a dazzling journey, exploring memory and revealing radiance instead of darkness.

  1. Preferential consumption, Andrea Genovart (Anagrama)

Preferential Consumption by Andrea Genovart is an angry, vertiginous and unbridled novel that deals with doubt and the need for identification in today’s generation. The politically incorrect, Machiavellian and scumbag narrative paints a stark portrait of life as a 30-something and the frustration of being wrong when everything seems to be right.

  1. At home we had a hymn, Maria Climent (L’Otra)

Maria Climent, after the success of Gina, presents En casa teníamos un himno, a choral novel that explores the family relationships between a mother and her two daughters. Set in Arnes, Terra Alta, Tuscany and Barcelona, the story addresses issues such as the mental burden of motherhood, patriarchal authority and life choices, all imbued with Climent’s characteristic sense of humor.

  1. The teacher and the beast, Imma Monsó (Anagrama)

Imma Monsó’s La maestra y la bestia takes readers back to 1962, following the story of Severina, a young woman who arrives in a mountain village to work as a rural teacher. The novel, based on the author’s real experiences, explores the reality of rural schools and the secrets of the “generation of silence”.

These first five books are some of the most outstanding books of 2023 in Catalan literature. The diversity of genres, styles and themes enriches the literary landscape, offering readers a variety of experiences ranging from emotional introspection to bold social criticism.

The best literature to kick off 2024.