Deadline extended to apply for the Government’s Youth Rental Bonus

Deadline extended to apply for the Government's Youth Rental Bonus

If you are thinking of applying for the Bono de Alquiler Joven del Govern, there is good news: they have extended the deadline for those young Catalans who did not access the aid from the central government.

If you are one of them, you can apply for the Govern’s new line of rental subsidies. This aid has a budget of 29 million and is intended to benefit 14,000 people.

In this regard, it should be noted that the new term will be from September 28 to October 7, 2022.

This was explained by Violant Cervera, Councilor for Social Rights of the Generalitat; Carles Sala, Secretary for Housing and Social Inclusion and Alexis Serra, Secretary for Childhood, Adolescence and Youth.

The extension of the deadline is due to the fact that only about 10,000 grants were awarded during the month of August. On this occasion, 38,000 applications were received.

Cervera also stated that this aid seeks to be more equitable as it aims to adapt to the different prices of the territory.

It will also be fairer, because it is income-based support and also rational, since the State’s call for applications is analyzed on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Government’s Bono de Alquiler Joven

The call for these grants will be annual and aimed at young people up to 35 years of age. They will be capped at a maximum of 250 euros per month and will start at 20 euros. They are established according to the income and the price of the rent.

In addition, if there is more than one young person holding the same rental contract, it is possible to apply individually. To give an example: a young person who is located anywhere in Catalonia and has an income of 12,000 euros with a rent of 600 euros, will be able to receive 240 euros of bonus.

While another young person who also has an income of 600 euros, but with an income of 23,300 euros, will receive 180 euros in aid.

The objective is to help reduce the young person’s effort and enable them to reduce their housing expenses as much as possible.

The average age of emancipation

In Catalonia it is 30 years and the European average is 26.2 years. However, it has been noted that the emancipation rate has been progressively declining.

In this sense, the authorities invite to make policies in favor of emancipation and not to favor those that are only circumstantial.

These should be structural policies aimed at making it a permanent measure that will be consolidated over the years and, therefore, a larger budget allocation should be made to meet the needs of as many young people as possible.

It is an excellent opportunity to reduce expenses and optimize the monthly budget in the middle of the academic and productive stage.

Remember that the application to apply for the voucher can be done online, as well as at the local housing or youth offices.