Are you a geek? You will love these 3 places

Are you a geek? You'll love these 3 places

Every year on May 25, Geek Pride Day or “Geek Pride Day” is celebrated. This commemoration is a tribute to those people whose way of dressing is out of the norm and have been given pejorative labels. In this sense, if you like series, movies, cinema, videogames or role playing games, you would be in this geek wave that is really a lifestyle. Ask yourself Are you a geek?

This fashion moves all kinds of public, of different ages and social conditions, and the city of Barcelona is no stranger to this style. If you are one of these fans in Barcelona you have different alternatives to celebrate this day every year and to unleash your geek side.

Are you a geek? Visit these 3 dream places


Mr. Kakigori (Plaza de la Vila de Gràcia, 3. Rambla del Poblenou, 36)
If remembering Doraemon, the cosmic cat, makes you crave dorayaki, Yummy is the right place. There you can eat this round and sweet sponge cake filled with azuki cream (red bean), accompanied with matcha tea, chocolate, jam and dulce de leche, a very traditional delicacy of Japanese gastronomy. The most famous one is called Dorayaki (Princesa, 26).

Another very typical sweet of the geek culture is kakigori, also known as snow ice cream (shaved ice of vitalized water flavored with natural flavors). This refreshing flavor proposal is also available at Mr. B. B. Kakigori. You can eat it with a spoon and it comes in 20 delicious flavors such as green tea, lemon, strawberry, mango, among others.

Galeries Maldà (Portaferrissa, 22)

It is the geek epicenter of Barcelona. In fact, the area is known as “Camden Friki”. There you will find a dozen themed stores dedicated to the world of fantasy. The products you can buy in this area are inspired by the Star Wars, Harry Potter and Game of Thrones sagas or characters such as Son Goku and Cthulhu.

You can find magic wands, dolls, masks, magic potions, costumes, Pikachu ramen, butter beer, Shin Chan cookies, pink wine from unicorn tears or Willy Wonka’s chocolate bars, with the golden ticket included.

If you walk through this area you will find a whole show of panorama attire with which you will be able to conclude if you are a geek.

The zombie world

Of course it exists. This theme has certainly gained momentum as a result of the acclaimed series “The Walking Dead”, inspired by an eponymous collection of comics. You can consult the portal where all the information related to zombie life is published, such as make-up workshops, role-playing games, parades and “escape romos” throughout the year.