4 kilometers of books and roses in Sant Jordi 2022

The day of Saint George’s Day 2022 returns to Barcelona. This year’s record-breakingrecord number of book and rose stalls that will occupy almost 4 kilometers of a perimetered area with limited traffic access around Passeig de Gràcia. Gràcia.

The four kilometers will be occupied by 300 standss of books and 46 of roses.

In total there will be 12 different spaces distributed in seven districts of Barcelona. Approximately 170 stops will be for theauthors’ signings. From Friday, April 22nd onwards, the bookshops will be in operation in bookstores will be in operation.

The “superilla in the center of Barcelona Saturday 23rd will already be in several towns in Catalonia where booksellers agreed with their respective municipalities. They already have their own spaces agreed in Girona, Tarragona, Mataró, Terrassa, Lleida, Girona, Tarragona, Mataró, Terrassa, Lleida,Badalona or Banyoles.

Sant Jordi 2022a real book festival

The Book Chamber, in charge of grouping the guilds of booksellers, publishers, distributors and graphic communication in Caand its members, is convinced that this year’s Sant Jordi Sant Jordi will have a similar level of sales to before the pandemic.

In 2019 they sold around 1,600,000 books representing a turnover of €22 million.

By 2021, just over one million books were sold.

They expect great participation and sales, as a reunion around roses and a good book.

Carme Ferrer, president of the Gremi de Llibreters, indicates that in the last two years the trend indicates an increase in reading rates and consequently in the purchase of books.

The stands will occupy Passeig de Gràcia and some cross streets.