134 weather shelters activated to flee from polar cold wave in Barcelona

134 weather shelters activated to flee from polar cold wave in Barcelona

The polar cold wave has arrived in Barcelona and to cope with it the city activated 134 climatic shelters among sports complexes, museums, libraries, among others.

The cold has affected the city these days and the thermometers are dropping in the Catalan capital, which, being Mediterranean, is little prepared for a cold of this magnitude.

The Barcelona City Council set up this hundred shelters in mostly public spaces and municipal facilities where it will be possible to have thermal comfort.

This plan has already been implemented for three years with a network of climatic shelters during the summer months and is now also very useful in winter.

Climatic shelters to flee from polar cold snap

The main purpose is to provide citizens with adequate spaces that protect them from extreme temperatures (cold or heat), full of comfort and good service.

By the winter of 2023, the Climate Shelter Space Network will be activated with 134 facilities.

Of these spaces, 64 are community spaces, 39 are libraries, 20 are sports complexes, 8 are museums and 2 are environmental facilities. In fact, the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona is one of the facilities that operates as a climatic refuge.

The city also has a Center for Social Emergencies and Emergencies of Barcelona, CUESB.

If you want to know which is the nearest shelter or the location of one in particular and the hours of operation, you can enter this link.

The Network of Climate Shelter Spaces

Although the initiative began several years ago, the City Council is currently working to increase the number of facilities that make up the network.

The goal is that in the near future, 100% of the population will be able to count on a nearby space that meets these characteristics.

Although shelters are open to all citizens, they are indoor spaces especially designed for people vulnerable to cold or heat, such as infants, adults over 75 years of age, low-income people, chronically ill people, among others.

These climatic spaces are activated throughout the year to cope with the heat or cold, depending on the season. In summer, when temperatures start to reach 27 degrees Celsius and in winter from 19 degrees Celsius and decreasing.

Polar cold wave and the evolution of temperatures in Barcelona

The wind chill is getting colder, but the temperature will be dropping more and more, between 5 and 10 degrees below the normal average.

Even occasional frosts on the coast are not ruled out.

However, it is best to be attentive and vigilant to the behavior of the temperature and, if required, make use of these climatic equipment in search of comfort, well-being and safety.