Passeig de Sant Joan, the best street for tapas

Paseo de Sant Joan
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How about a tapas plan? In Barcelona, there is a street that stands out for the great variety of bars it offers. It is right in the center of the city, in the most beautiful district of the Catalan capital, the Eixample. Do you know what it is? Exactly! It is the Paseo de Sant Joan. Although perhaps not as famous as Passeig de Gràcia, it has its own charm and is home to some of the cheapest restaurants in the city.

Paseo de Sant Joan: a tapas paradise

It is important to note that Tapas Magazine, specialized in gastronomy, confirms it: Passeig de Sant Joan is the best street in Catalonia, and even in Barcelona, to enjoy tapas with friends. But not only that, this area is incredibly versatile. Besides being perfect for tapas, it also has the best places for vermouth during the weekend and to enjoy a delicious brunch.

Perfect for a historical tour

Recall that the Paseo de Sant Joan, located in the Dreta del Eixample, begins in Travessera de Gràcia and reaches the imposing Arc de Triomphe and Ciutadella Park. Although it is not as well known as Passeig de Gràcia, it has its own charms and houses some of the most hidden modernist buildings in the city, such as Casa Macaya, designed by the architect Puig i Cadafalch, which was even considered to be the headquarters of CaixaForum.

Paseo de Sant Joan1
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Immerse yourself in the modernist architecture of Passeig de Sant Joan

The history of this promenade dates back to the 19th century, when the construction of the Eixample began. In fact, its name pays homage to the old promenade that surrounded the esplanade of the Ciutadella and that disappeared when the old fortress was demolished. Walking up to Gràcia or down this quiet promenade is quite an experience. You can enjoy the classic buildings of the Eixample and some modernist gems.

In addition, you can stop at its gardens and sculptures, such as the one of the chaplain Jacint Verdaguer, and admire the old stores and fountains, such as the Hercules fountain, the oldest monumental fountain in the city. This tour will transport you to the Barcelona of the 20th century.

The beauty of the Arc de Triomphe

At the end of the Paseo de Sant Joan, you will find the majestic Arc de Triomphe, which invites you to cross towards the Ciutadella Park, thus completing a magnificent tour full of history and charm.

Now that you know the charm of Sant Joan, what are you waiting for to enjoy a tapas tour of its bars and outdoor tables along this amazing street of Barcelona? You won’t regret it!