Exploring the Beyond in the labyrinthine exhibition “The Other Side” at Arts Santa Mònic

Exploring the Beyond in the labyrinthine exhibition

Delving into the mystery of the beyond is an experience that has aroused human curiosity since time immemorial. Now, in an exciting exhibition entitled “The Other Side”, the Arts Santa Mònica in Barcelona invites visitors to embark on a journey into the unknown.

All through a labyrinth full of artworks that explore concepts such as dreams, the unconscious, death and resurrection.

Directed by visionary theater director Ferran Utzet and Enric Puig Punyet, director of Arts Santa Mònica, the exhibition presents the work of 10 local and international artists, each with a unique vision of the afterlife.

From the moment visitors enter the exhibition, they are greeted with an immersive experience that invites them to reflect on the nature of existence.

The labyrinthine exhibition “The Other Side”.

The first work visitors encounter, titled “You Are Here” and created by artist Iara Solano with the Sleepwalk Collective, sets the tone for the rest of the tour. Viewers are invited to lie down on a bed and cross the threshold between life and death, preparing them for the adventure ahead.

As visitors proceed through the labyrinth, they encounter a variety of installations and artworks that challenge their perceptions and invite them to reflect on the nature of reality.

From a psychedelic painting by Pere Llobera to an inflatable mass by Anna Irina Russell that invites physical interaction, each work offers a new perspective on the afterlife.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the exhibition is the opportunity to interact with the works of art in a completely new way.

From conversing with oneself in Guillaume Faure’s “Echo” installation to contemplating the shadows in Antonia Rossi and Roberto Contador’s shadow theater, visitors are challenged to explore their own relationship with the afterlife.

Other developments in the labyrinth

As visitors approach the end of the labyrinth, they are greeted by a series of installations exploring themes such as sex, desire and rebirth.

From a red room filled with personal recordings by artist Yapci Ramos to a red door symbolizing the act of birth, the exhibition offers a deeply moving and reflective experience.

Upon exiting the labyrinth, visitors have the opportunity to reflect on their experience and share their thoughts with others. The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to explore the mystery of the afterlife in a stimulating and enriching environment.

“The Other Side” is a powerful reminder that the world we inhabit is only a small part of a much larger and more complex reality.