Estimated population of 259,000 rats in Barcelona’s sewers

Estimated population of 259,000 rats in Barcelona's sewersThe Public Health Agency of Barcelona, ASPB, and the City Council confirmed that they have detected 259,000 rats in the sewers of Barcelona and 3,900 rat spots in the city.

The data was revealed by the Agency this week in the framework of the presentation of reinforcement works to combat pests during the summer.

According to the ASPB, of the estimated total, 2,400 correspond to active surveillance points to control the presence of rodents. Of this figure, 2,200 points are in the sewer and 200 on the surface.

The points were detected based on the analysis of risk indicators that confirm the possible effects.

They also estimated that there is a population of about 259,000 animals in the city’s sewers, based on a study that began in 2016.

A summer with rats in the sewers of Barcelona

The Agency indicates that with the arrival of heat the problems become more evident. In fact, they confirm that during this time of the year about 75% of the situations of the whole year are registered.

Because of this situation, between the months of May and October the Agency increases the number of pest control personnel by more than 50%.

Rat control requires a budget of 2.92 million euros for municipal equipment, control of streets, public lots and sewers.

If you detect the presence of mice and rats in the public space you can call 010 (free), in person at the citizen service offices, OAC, virtually or through the App “Barcelona a la butxaca”.