Christmas shows in Barcelona: proposals to celebrate with art

Christmas shows in Barcelona: proposals to celebrate with art

With the Christmas season in full swing, Barcelona dresses up with an interesting line-up of shows. From reinvented classics to contemporary proposals, the city offers a range of options to enjoy with family, friends or alone. Here are some Christmas shows to see this season.

At Sala Beckett “Picasso, king, monster and clown”.

Closing the year dedicated to Picasso, the clown company Rhum&Cia offers a current perspective on the life of the painter. With the participation of Jordi Martínez, this proposal at Sala Beckett (C/ de Pere IV, 228, 232, Sant Martí) explores Picasso’s genius and his complex relationships. María Folguera’s dramaturgy provides humor and reflection. Submissions until January 7, 2024.

At the Teatre Romea “Tot l’any pot ser Nadal”.

In this endearing show, Joan Pera, renowned for his talent in humor, transforms himself into the unforgettable Mister Scrooge to narrate Charles Dickens’ famous Christmas tale in a unique way. Until January 27, 2024, the Teatre Romea (Carrer de l’Hospital, 51, Ciutat Vella) is witness to this interpretation full of humor and emotions, where the miser Scrooge faces the transformation of his life guided by three Christmas spirits.

“The Producers” – Teatre Tívoli

Directed by Mel Brooks, this award-winning musical arrives in Barcelona with a cast headed by Armando Pita, Ricky Matas, Mireia Portas, José L. Mosquera and Àngel Llàcer. “The Producers” offers acidic, hilarious and interactive moments with the audience, making it a perfect musical comedy ensemble. A unique theatrical experience at Teatre Tívoli (C/ de Casp, 8, L’Eixample).

“Escape Room 2” – Teatre Condal

Joel Joan and Hèctor Claramunt bring spectacularity to the stage with the second part of “Escape Room”, a theatrical phenomenon also adapted to film. Tension, thriller and humor are guaranteed in this theatrical challenge that presents an intriguing and engaging plot. With the original and alternate cast, this play remains an exciting romp to its conclusion. Teatre Condal (Av. del Paral-lel, 91, Sants-Montjuïc).

“Oliver Twist – Christmas Story” – Arenas Dome Theater

Coco Comín, choreographer and theater director, presents an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic, “Oliver Twist”, at the Teatro Cúpula Arenas (Arenas Shopping Center, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 373, 385, L’Eixample). With young children in the lead roles, this watered-down version of the story maintains its essence, but with a more family-friendly approach. Available until January 7.

“The Neverending Story” – Apollo Theater

A technical, vocal and imaginative display is evident in this adaptation of Michael Ende’s classic. “The Neverending Story” is an exceptional musical that celebrates reading and adventure. Suitable for the whole family, this play guarantees a unique experience at the Teatro Apolo (Av. del Paral-lel, 59, Sants-Montjuïc).