Rosario Endrinal Home, a shelter for homeless women, opened in Barcelona

Rosario Endrinal Home, a shelter for homeless women, opened in Barcelona

In an emotional ceremony, the mayor of Barcelona, Jaume Collboni, presided over the inauguration of the Rosario Endrinal Home, a center designed to provide care and support to women in situations of homelessness in the district of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi.

This new facility, managed by the ASSÍS association in collaboration with the City Council, represents a milestone in the fight against female homelessness in the city.

Hogar Rosario Endrinal arose in response to the growing concern to address the specific needs of homeless women, a sector of the population that faces particular challenges on their path to social reintegration.

Aimed at single women and elderly women in long-term homelessness, the center offers a total of ten individual accommodations, each equipped with its own kitchen, thus guaranteeing privacy and autonomy for the residents.

The Rosario Endrinal Home was inaugurated

What makes this center unique is its approach based on the communal housing first methodology, an innovative proposal that seeks to provide housing immediately and without prerequisites, prioritizing access to stable housing as a starting point for rebuilding the lives of homeless people.

In this sense, Hogar Rosario Endrinal not only offers a roof over their heads, but also promotes the active participation of the residents in the management of their daily lives, thus fostering a sense of community and belonging.

The name of the center, Rosario Endrinal, is no coincidence; it is a tribute to a woman who, unfortunately, lost her life in tragic circumstances while living on the street. The memory of her story reminds us of the urgency of addressing female homelessness and working towards a more just and inclusive society.

A strategy with projection

The inauguration of the Rosario Endrinal Home represents a significant step in the municipal strategy to combat and prevent female homelessness.

This new resource joins a series of existing initiatives, such as the La Llavor Residential Center, the La Violeta Residential Center and temporary housing for single-parent families, thus expanding the support network available for women in vulnerable situations.

It is important to note that the Rosario Endrinal Home not only offers a place to sleep, but also provides a safe and welcoming environment where women can receive emotional, social and educational support to begin the process of recovery and reintegration.

In addition, the possibility of bringing their pets with them reflects the center’s commitment to guaranteeing the integral well-being of the residents.

The opening of the Rosario Endrinal Home is a hope that reminds us of the importance of working together to build a more inclusive and supportive society.