Picmi Taxi: the new App to order a cab with your cell phone

Picmi Taxi: the new App to order a cab with your cell phone

Picmi Taxi is the new application of AMB Mobilitat, with which you can request a cab in the city through your cell phone.

This cab App that will be available after the summer of 2022.

Recently, the Metropolitan Taxi Institute, IMET, and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, AMB, presented the new functionality of the AMB Mobilitat application, the “Picmi Taxi” service.

When it becomes operational, you will be able to order a cab using your cell phone.

Picmi Taxi forecasts that the service will improve due to the increase in demand for cabs. It is also expected that more efficient routes can be created to reduce emissions and the environmental impact of cab drivers’ routes in search of customers.

Cab drivers in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area will have to use the application on a mandatory basis.

How Picmi Taxi operates

You only need to click on a button to order a cab. You will immediately be able to see on the screen how many minutes it will take to get to the pick-up point, and you will be able to reject or accept the service.

For their part, cab drivers who are close to the pick-up point will receive a notification so that one of them will accept the request. When you accept it, you will be able as a user to see on the geolocation map, which is the location of the cab in real time.

You will also be informed of the model, license plate and license number of the cab. Once the cab arrives at the pick-up point, you as the user will receive a notification on your cell phone.

The App will allow you to request adapted cabs or cabs with more seats.