In summer: blood donation campaign in Castelldefels

In summer: blood donation campaign in Castelldefels

In the middle of the hot summer, an opportunity for solidarity arises that can make a difference in someone’s life: the blood donation campaign in Castelldefels, the picturesque town in Baix Llobregat.

In partnership with the Blood and Tissue Bank, this campaign seeks to collect more than 1,000 blood donations to ensure that there is sufficient supply for those in need, whether for surgeries, cancer treatments, transplants or in emergency situations.

The act of donating blood is a valuable and generous contribution that can save lives. In an effort to replenish blood reserves, the Blood and Tissue Bank’s mobile donation unit has been deployed at Plaza Joan XXIII in Castelldefels.

This unit will be available on Monday, August 14, 2023 and Tuesday, August 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. To ensure a smooth and organized experience, donors are encouraged to reserve their time through the Blood Bank’s website.

Blood donation campaign in Castelldefels: an act of solidarity

The importance of donating blood is even more emphasized during this summer season. The summer period brings outdoor activities and increased mobility, which may increase the need for blood in emergencies.

However, not everyone can be a donor. According to the Blood and Tissue Bank, people over 18 years of age (up to 70 years old), who are in good health and weigh more than 50 kilos, are eligible to donate blood.

A valuable detail is that it is not necessary to be fasting to donate. Only a personal identification document is required to complete the process.

The blood donation campaign in Castelldefels is part of the Blood and Tissue Bank’s ongoing efforts to ensure an adequate supply of blood and tissues throughout Catalonia.

This public entity is responsible for administering and managing the donation, transfusion and testing of blood and blood plasma, as well as serving as a tissue procurement and processing center.

Donation throughout Catalonia

The importance of donating blood also extends to the coastal areas of Catalonia. In addition to the usual donation points, more than twenty beaches and towns along the Catalan coast, including the provinces of Barcelona, Girona and Tarragona, will welcome blood donors with open arms.

This initiative seeks to take advantage of the increased population in coastal areas during the summer and ensure that blood reserves are available to all.



August 15, Cunit

August 22, Segur de Calafell


August 15th and 16th – L’Escala,

August 27th – San Antonio de Calonge,

August 29th – Lloret de Mar


August 14 – Castelldefels

August 15 and 16 – Sitges