From the first weekend of March, the sports capacity will return to 100%.

From the first weekend of March, the sports capacity will return to 100%.

The Ministry of Health and the autonomous communities agreed at the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, CISNS, that as of the first weekend of March 2022, sports capacity will return to 100% in open and closed venues.

Admission to these events was limited to a capacity of 75% in closed venues and 85% in open venues.

However, in any of the cases, the use of a mask is still mandatory due to the fact that social distancing will not be possible.

100% sports capacity

The lifting of this restriction is part of the measures that have been taken little by little in most of the autonomous communities and, in general, throughout Spain.

The measure has been taken because there is a downward trend in the number of cases of infection, as well as a decrease in the number of hospitalized patients.

The capacity restriction for sports venues was the only measure maintained at the national level.

The closing hours of nightlife establishments, Covid passport requirements, among others, were the responsibility of each autonomous community.

The use of the mask is another rule that affects the whole country, as it was given through a royal decree.

This full capacity measure had been authorized last fall. It is now being taken up again for the occupation of sports venues.

The first weekend of March 2022 begins its application, always under observation and permanent monitoring.

The hope is that every day the number of infections will decrease.