Exhibition “AI: Artificial Intelligence” at the CCCB of Barcelona


Until March 17, 2024, lovers of technology and digital art have the opportunity to explore one of the most exciting exhibitions Barcelona has to offer. Under the title “AI: Artificial Intelligence,” the CCCB, C/ de Montalegre, 5, 08001 (Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona) has teamed up with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) to bring an exhibition that explores artificial intelligence from multiple angles.

This exhibition breaks the conventional rule that scientific infrastructures do not organize exhibitions. Here, BSC-CNS is taking the lead in addressing artificial intelligence, a technology that has been grabbing headlines lately and has become an essential part of our daily lives.

A Tour of “AI: Artificial Intelligence”.

The exhibition “AI: Artificial Intelligence” dives into everyday life, artistic creativity and scientific research, showing how artificial intelligence influences each of these aspects. The event will address:

  • Scientific and biomedical opportunities: AI has become an essential tool for scientific and biomedical research. The exhibition explores how this technology has transformed the way we approach complex problems in these areas.
  • Supercomputing: Supercomputing is a major driver of AI. The exhibition highlights the role of supercomputers in the development and operation of artificial intelligence.
  • Risks and misinformation: While AI has great potential, it also poses risks, including misinformation. The presentation critically analyzes the challenges that this technology may present in terms of reliability and veracity.
  • Racial and gender biases: AI often reflects biases present in the data it is trained on. This can lead to biased results in terms of race and gender. The exhibition addresses this sensitive issue.

An interactive experience

The exhibition offers an interactive experience through 25 installations that allow visitors to engage directly with AI. These installations include the opportunity to smell the flowers of a tree extinct in the last century and to give voice to a musical composition created by the AI.

This enriching experience allows visitors to better understand the influence and potential of artificial intelligence.

The exhibition is the result of a collaboration between an extensive network of artists, both pioneering and emerging, as well as research and innovation centers, including the BSC-CNS, Axolot.cat, the CVC and MIT and the Music Technology Group at UPF.

This diversity of perspectives and experiences further enriches the exhibition, showing how AI influences art and science.

The exhibition not only focuses on showcasing the capabilities of artificial intelligence, but also raises questions and debates about its future development.