Everything you want to know about the America’s Cup Sailing: know its rules and participants

Everything you want to know about the America's Cup: know its rules and participants

The America’s Cup, the oldest sailing competition in the world, is approaching Barcelona, and with it comes an exciting whirlwind of sporting, cultural and economic activity.

But what do we really know about this iconic event and how does it work? Fortunately, a series of talks organized by ‘The New Barcelona Post’ offers the perfect opportunity to discover all the ins and outs of this exciting regatta.

On May 15, 2024, the second session of the ‘Everything you want to know about the America’s Cup’ series will focus on unraveling the rules of the game and introducing the participating teams.

Hosted by journalist Jordi Basté, this event will be a window into the world of the Copa del America, providing an in-depth understanding of how the competition is run and what it takes to win it.

This second session of the series will be held at the Antigua Fábrica Estrella Damm.

Everything you want to know about the America’s Cup

The day will begin with an introduction by the Deputy Mayor of Economy, Finance, Economic Promotion and Tourism of Barcelona, Jordi Valls, followed by a detailed explanation of how the regatta works by Natàlia Via-Dufresne, Olympic medalist at the Barcelona ’92 Games. Via-Dufresne will introduce the six teams competing for the trophy and explain the qualifying process and the exciting final phase.

But the America’s Cup is not just about sport; it is an event that encompasses much more. Eva Pizá, head of ACE Events, and Laia Claverol, manager of Economy and Economic Promotion of Barcelona, will share details about the activities planned to accompany the competition.

From concerts on the beach to cultural events, the city prepares to welcome enthusiasts and tourists from all over the world.

The ‘Everything you want to know about the America’s Cup’ series is an initiative aimed at those who want to explore the various aspects of the competition, from its history to its technical innovations and its impact on the city.

The series will be a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the fascinating world of the America’s Cup.

The series of talks

After the May 15 session, the next days of the series will explore the innovation and sustainability of the competition, as well as its legacy in the city.

From understanding how the boats fly over the sea to assessing the long-term economic and social impact, these talks will offer a comprehensive look at the America’s Cup and its significance for Barcelona and beyond.

From April to July, a total of four sessions will be organized, one per month, and tickets can be reserved fifteen days in advance through The New Barcelona Post and its social networks.