Espacio280 Barcelona: a fusion between interior design, haute cuisine and Dalí

Espacio280 Barcelona: a fusion between interior design, haute cuisine and Dalí

Barcelona is proud to present Espacio280, an exceptional place that goes beyond conventions by fusing interior design, haute cuisine and a surreal history linked to the artistic genius Salvador Dalí.

This innovative space was recently inaugurated in Plaza Molina, in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district, in a restored old house.

Founded by renowned interior designer Margot Viarnés and in partnership with private chef Cesc Navarro, this place not only offers a unique culinary experience but also houses a captivating story starring snails and Dalí himself.

Espacio280 comes at an interesting time for the world of interior design, which is facing challenges due to the presence of big brands in the market with affordable prices and immediate solutions.

Espacio280 Barcelona, versatile for meetings and events

Espacio280 presents itself as a versatile venue with an open kitchen designed for small gatherings seeking an intimate and private atmosphere, in contrast to the conventional restaurant experience.

In addition to private events, the space hosts special celebrations where the chef cooks in front of the guests, creating an experience similar to the feeling of being at home.

The versatility of the venue extends to activities such as wine tastings, tapas with live music and more, taking advantage of its facilities that include a lounge-dining room, meeting room and a large outdoor terrace.

A closing circle with Espacio280

For Margot Viarnés, the opening of Espacio280 is more than a commercial project; it is the closing of a circle that connects her to her roots and her family. Raised in the kitchen, the interior designer comes from a family with a rich history in the culinary field.

His grandparents founded the Fonda Viarnés in the 1930s in Figueres, which later became Restaurant Viarnés. This restaurant, frequented by artists and linked to a unique anecdote with Salvador Dalí, has become a fundamental part of Espacio280’s history.

The story behind Espacio280 dates back to the 1970s, when Margot’s parents ran the Restaurant Viarnés in Figueres.

Salvador Dalí, known for his surrealist creativity, devised a work with marine allegories for his museum in Figueres and needed snail shells to realize his vision.

Dalí entrusted Antoni Pitxot, director of the museum, with the task of asking the Viarnés family to keep all the snail shells consumed in the restaurant for a year.

The Viarnés family complied with the peculiar request, collecting and storing the snail shells. At the end of the year, the shells were used in the work “Grotesque Monsters”, exhibited in the central courtyard of the Dalí Museum in Figueres.

As a token of his gratitude, Dalí gave the Viarnés family two lithographs with drawings of snails, now exhibited in Espacio280.