Discover Catalonia with the free App “Diskover”.

Discover Catalonia with the free App

Tourism is one of the main sources of income in Spain and to improve the experience and diversify it beyond the big cities like Barcelona, the free App Diskover has emerged.

It aims to transform the way people travel and do tourism, focusing on proximity tourism and taking exploration to new heights.

According to Epdata data, up to August 2023, Catalonia received around 12.35 million tourists, who spent a total of 2,784 million euros in the region during the same period. These numbers reflect the importance of tourism in the economy and life of the region.

What is the free Diskover App and what are its objectives?

Diskover is a free mobile application that describes itself as the “social network for tourism worldwide”. Its mission is to bring together all the features of other tourism applications on a single platform, simplifying the lives of travelers and helping them explore destinations in a more authentic way.

What are Diskover’s key objectives?

Unification of services: Diskover seeks to consolidate all the features offered by other tourism applications into a single one. This facilitates travel planning and tourism activities by providing a single platform for all traveler needs.

Proximity tourism: Instead of focusing only on big cities, Diskover focuses on proximity tourism. This means that the application shows all the possibilities that Catalonia has to offer, including lesser-known places, less typical routes and lesser-visited attractions.

Discovery without exhaustive planning: ideal for travelers who don’t want to plan every minute of their trip, Diskover allows spontaneous exploration and discovery of interesting places and activities in real time.

Personalized recommendations: The application includes an artificial intelligence engine that recommends places and activities to users based on their preferences and previous actions.

A different application for tourism

Diskover consists of a mobile application for the general public and a web application for managers, companies, associations and institutions.

This structure allows travelers to discover unusual and unknown places, and at the same time provides companies and organizations with a platform to promote their services and attract a wider audience.

The project started in Catalonia with Diskover Costa Brava, but its goal is to expand and become an international reference for travelers in search of unique and authentic tourism experiences.

Diskover is an innovative response to the traditional way of doing tourism with the potential to transform the way people travel and experience Catalonia.

From restaurants and hotels to tourist attractions and local events, Diskover is a comprehensive tool for travelers who want to discover Catalonia in a different way.