Barcelona Oberta Advocates major events to boost shopping tourism

Barcelona Oberta Advocates major events to boost shopping tourism

The trade association Barcelona Oberta insisted at its VIII Summit that both public administrations and the private sector must retain and promote shopping tourism through large-scale events.

These events have proven to have a significant impact on shopping tourism in the city.

The association, which brings together the commercial hubs of the city’s tourist areas, has emphasized the importance of promoting and supporting major events held in Barcelona.

These events have boosted shopping tourism, which has become an essential part of the visitor experience in Barcelona.

The VIII Summit Barcelona Oberta emphasized that the commercial sector must aspire to be more competitive in this environment and work closely with both governments and the private sector to make the most of this opportunity.

The president of Barcelona Oberta, Gabriel Jené, stressed that the celebration of major events in the city has had a positive impact on shopping tourism, making it a top destination of choice for those seeking unique shopping experiences.

However, to maintain and improve this position, several key issues must be addressed.

Shopping tourism: promotion and commercial differentiation

First of all, Jené advocated highlighting Barcelona’s commercial uniqueness. The city has gained importance on the international map as a shopping destination, and is consistently ranked as the top shopping destination in Europe.

This trend is supported by studies revealing that one in three visitors to Barcelona consider shopping to be their main activity in the city.

Barcelona competes with cities such as London, Paris and Rome in terms of shopping appeal, and has earned a strong position in The Globe Shopper City, a ranking of cities based on their attractiveness as a shopping destination.

Therefore, Barcelona has already established itself as an important commercial destination and has the potential to continue to grow in this area.

Improved accessibility and mobility

In addition, transportation is a crucial factor for travelers when choosing their destination, so Jené called for improved accessibility in the city. Ease of travel is essential to attract and keep visitors interested in shopping.

This means that infrastructure and public transportation must be effectively addressed to ensure a pleasant shopping experience.

Public space management and security

Another crucial point is the management of public space and visitor safety. Barcelona is known for its hospitality and safe environment, and this must be a constant focus to maintain its appeal.